Hair growth is divided into 3 fase. Anagen (grow) that takes 2 – 4 years to grow, katagen (Start to fall) that takes two weeks to grow, telogen (Hair fall) that takes 3 months to grow.After the hair fall fase, the hair will grow back. This cycle normally happen for about 20 times.
After that the folikels can’t grow anymore hair. Not every pieces of hair is in the same fase at the same time. So to prevent early hair loss a treatment to prolong the growth fase is needed. The growth fase can be annoy by some factor, like : Hormonal changing, illness, or because we didn’t take care the cleanness of the head skin, etc.
Hair grow averagely 1,5cm each months for 2 – 4 years. The growth is various to each person, depending to the diameter and hair colour. Bright hair averagely grow 1cm each month, Dark hair usually grow faster, 1,5 cm each months. Coarse hair grow faster than smooth hair.
Grey hair grow faster than ungrey hair. After that some hair will stop growing for a moment and sometimes fall, and it will be replace by a new hair. The amount of grown up hair that didn’t have hair loss is 200 – 300 piece in every cm² of head skin.Everyday our hair fall about 50-100 pieces.
But it doesn’t noticed by us. But if the sign of hair loss happen. You must take care of your hair more intensive before it start to hair loss. Even though the hair is showing the sign of hair loss, actually you only lose 30-40% of your hair. This hair loss can be seen because the hair loss only happen on the front or on the top of your head.