Monday, April 6, 2009

Hair Treatment

To make the hair healthy, hair roots need to keep the fertility through good blood circulation. It can be reach by giving it nutrition, such as good vitamin, good food, snd the right treatment.
Daily treatment such as the use of conditioner is to take care of the kutikel by giving temporary protection. If you want to have a healthy hair, hair roots treatment need to be done. You must dilligently and pation because the process of grow need times. Beside that you have to keep the cleanness of your hair.


In the hair gathered dust, natural oil, sweat, and dead skin cell. This can be the place for bacteria to live, this situation can interupt the health of the head skin. That’s why we need to take care of its cleanness. If we shampoo rarely the dirt, oil, hair treatment product, smoke, and polution residu will cork the hair roots, so the nutrient can’t enter to the head skin and hair roots.

Myth around hair

There is some false myth around hair. Spencer David Kobren writes some fact about hair in his book ‘ The Hairloss Truth’. Here is some myth and fact around hair.
Myth : Hair loss to men is geneticly inherit by his mother.
Fact : Hair loss can be inherit by both parents.

Myth : 100 piece of hair fall in a day doesn’t have to make us worry because its normal
Fact : If u don’t have the sign of hair loss ( hair is thining in certain area), then the number of hair fall is normal cause the hair that fall will be replaced by a new hair from the hair roots. But if u have the sign of hair loss , you should take care of your hair more carefully, the hair fall because of the hair roots that almost die. The hair roots that almost die only can grow a very smooth hair which almost unseen. Dead hair roots is surely cannot grow hair.

Myth : you can add the number of hair roots with medicine, traditional or chemical treatment, massage, diet, or certain device.
Fact : No, the number and diameter of hair roots depend on inherit factor. You can’t add folikels to your head skin. But you can keep it by recognizing the cause of it.

Myth : Cuting your hair can make the hair grow faster.
Fact : No, hair grow averagely 1,5 cm every months. Cutting hair doesn’t effect the thickness of hair piece or number of hair that grow from folikels.

Myth : If we didn’t cut our hair, the hair will continiously grow.
Fact : No the length of hair depends on head condition of each individuals, the longer the hair growing fase, the longer it grow. If your hair’s nature is to have a long fase of grow, your hair can grow until below the waist. In backward if your hair’s nature is to have short fase of grow, your hair will fall and only reach certain length. The long of growing fase depends on inherit factor and nutrient.

Myth : wearing hat can make the hair fall
Fact : hair will fall if the blood circulation into the folikels is jammed. So as long as you don’t wear your hat to tight everyday, the hair will not fall. Hair can be broken by sweat, dirt, skin partikel that cover the pore.

Myth : using hair dryer will make hair fall.
Fact : No, but it can make your hair dry and broken and then fall. But it will be replace by a new hair that comes out from the folikels at the grow fase. Hair can’t grow if the folikels die, just like grass that can’t grow if the roots is dead.

Hair Colour

Some people have grey hair at the age 20, but to others it grow at age 40. Genetic factor decide wether someone is slow or fast to have a grey hair. Beside that stress and illness also can cause hair faster to grey.

There are two kinds of pigmen (melanin). That is eumelanin that makes our hair black or brown, depend on the amount of pigmen that live on the hair cell and pheomelanin that makes our hair yellow or red. Black hair is the result of large production of uemelanin. Black people usually have black hair. Pheomelanin makes hair goldy. The different of hair colour to every people is decide by the level of eumelanin and pheomelanin inside the hair roots. So everyone have different hair colour. Every head has lots of hair look because every hair roots doesn’t produce the same amount of melanin.

Melanin is produce by melonocyles, if this substance no longer can produce melanin the hair will become grey or white. Black hair is form by 99% eumelanin and 1% pheomelanin. Brown hair is form by 95% eumelanin and 5% pheomelanin. Red Hair is form by 67% eumelanin and 33% pheomelanin.

Eventhough black hair have only 1% pheomelanin the hair is cover by large amount of eumelanin so it can’t be seen. Hair colour effect the amount of hair. Blond hair can grow 120.000 pieces, and dark hair generally grow 110.000 pieces. The colour of hair can change naturally because of the change of melanin level, medicine, or kemotherapy. Healthy hair has a smooth surface so they reflect light better and look more shiny.In the opposite unhealthy hair have rough surface and look dull.

This condition cause by the water quality that is bad, to much shampoo that contain detergen , brushing the hair roughly, or didn’t wash the hair with a good hair styling product.
Human hair can be divide into 2 types : vellus is a very smooth hair , almost unseen, and can only be seen by using microscope. Terminal is the rougher type of hair, long, and easily seen.
Hair types is wavy, straight, curly and afro (small curl and look like a mess ) curly hair is blossoming and look thick. Straight hair usually stick to the skin head. There is hair that look thick and thin. Curly hair look thicker than straight hair.

Hair Tissue

Hair pieces is divided into 3 kinds level of tissue :

Kutikel (the outer tissue that look a like fish scale that protect all the hair). Korteks ( the second level of tissue). Medulla ( the core of hair). Healthy hair have enough kutikel that close very well (unbreak) that’s why the hair reflect the light and look shiny.

Every pieces of hair have an oil gland at its hair roots to protect the kutikel and keep it soft. But the kutikel can be broken by polution, hot weather, hair paint, hair dryer, water that contain klorin and metal material, or hair treatment product that didn’t suit to the head skin. If the kutikel is broken, the inside part also can be broken and cause branching on the top of the hair.

Kutikel is a thin tissue that didn’t have colour and protect the korteks.

Korteks, tissue inside the hair, decide the strength, elasticity, thickness and hair teksture. Curly, straight, crisp hair was influence by the korteks. Beside that, korteks contain melanin which is the pigmen that give colour to our hair.

Medulla or hair core has the shape like a sponge that decide the diameter size of hair and reflect the hair colour. As the movement of our age the condition of the medulla is decreasing hair colour.