Other ways to grow hair fast and without any side effect is by hair transplantation.By moving your head skin that still have hair to the bald part.This method is already use in Indonesia and work successfully in Pesahabatan Hospital,east Jakarta.Hair that transplanted is taken from of the patient head skin that still have hair.This hair tissue is split piece by piece then plant to the bald part.The hair is taken from the patient’s own head skin so there is no possibility that there will be negative reaction or rejection.
When the process is held the patient is drugged for quite a long time.If there is 700 pieces of hair that will be plant it will took about 4 hours process.Taking the hair from the backhead is easier.But spliting it piece by piece and plant it to the head skin is taking a long time.This job needs to be punctual,and it must be done by a team of doctor.
Before transplantation a pattern is drawn on the patient’s head following the natural lines of hair growth.Then the hair is plant according to the pattern.Patient didn’t have to cut their hair before the process.The important thing is they have hair roots that can be taken.If the patient is already have full hair loss,transplantation can’t be done.Beside that diabetic patient is not recommended to have this transplantation.
After transplantation patient will be given antibiotic so that the head didn’t have infection.If the number of hair that is transplant more than 500 pieces,the patient will be given a head cover that needs to be wear for about 3 days.The doctor will control the patient after 3;7;30 days to see if the hair is strong enough.Patient is suggested to eat less fat so the hair is not to oily.Patient can only comb the hair after 2 weeks of transplantation.At the beginning doctor will help the patient comb their hair,but after that they can comb it themselves by using a rare teeth comb,and carefully comb the hair.Shampooing is allowed after 2 weeks of transplantation with an antiseptic shampoo.After that the patient is suggest not to change the shampoo for a while or paint the hair.Use netral shampoo like baby shampoo until the hair roots is strong enough.Ussualy the hair will become thicker in the fifth month and perfectly grow in the third years.The doctor will control your condition in 3;6 months and in the first year and third year after transplantation.There are some patient that have hair loss but the roots still can grow back in fourth and fifth months.Doctor needs to watch over the hair growth of their patient.
Sometimes patient needs several time of transplantation if the hair that will be plant is more than 1000 piece and it will take a long time to plant it piece by piece.And it will be a hard case for the doctor and the patient.
Hair stylish product can make the hair more stylish.You can choose any product that suit with your head type and style.Gell,pomade,mousse,wax,and hair spray have their own characteristic so it result different kinds of effect to the hair.
We need hair comb or hair brush to make our hair neat.Comb ussualy made by bones,plastic,or hard rubber.But the best kind is from bones even though it is more expensive than the others.Comb usually have rare and full teeth,make sure that its not sharp so your head skin can’t be hurt or wound.
Hair brush is available in many kinds of material,texture,and fullness of its teeth.There is plastic,wooden,or metal brush with natural or artificial teeth.Which brush is suitable for you is depend on the hair style you want.Beside neating the hair brush also help to oiling the hair so the hair look shines.
Once in a while brush your hair to clean the dead skin cells and fix the blood circulation in the head skin.