Thursday, March 26, 2009

The type of head skin

Dry hair, oily, or normal is influence by the oil gland inside the head skin.

Dry hair have a rougher hair pieces. This is cause by the low production of the oil gland. The hair will become more dryer as we get older. But the dryness of hair can be cause by the use of hair dryer often or stay to long under the sunlight, or use of chemical stuff such as hair paint and klorin. Dry hair look dull and stick.

Oily hair is cause by the over production of oil gland that cause by inherit factor, wrong diet, stress or hormonal. This kind of hair will stick to the head skin and look unclean.
Normal hair have enough wet.

The thickness of hair

The thin or thickness of hair depend on the fertility and amount of folikels in the head skin. When a child is born, the folikels is about 1.135/cm² of head skin. At age 3 – 12 months the folikels become 795/cm² of head skin, at the age 30 the folikels becomes 615/cm², and at the age 70 – 80 the amount of folikels become 435/cm² of head skin.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How Do Hair Grow

Hair is made of keratin. Keratin is the protein which is simillar to the protein in our nail. The Composition of hair is 50 percent Carbon, 20 percent Oxygen, 5 percent Sulfur, 20 percent Nitrogen, 5 percent Hydrogen. Someone who’s got an illness or less nutrient may cause their hair to stop growing.

If the illness is very bad and take a long period of times it may cause the hair to fall. If the hair start to grow again it means that the person’s health is getting better. Our body’s health and nutrient is influencing the growth and quality of hair. The change of hormone influence the oil gland in the hair roots.

Oil that produced by the oil gland inside the hair bag protect and covered all of the hair piece. If the production of oil is enermous the hair will be so oilly. But if the oil gland produce a little of oil, the hair will be dull, dry and easy to break.

The dryness of hair can also be cause by how often we paint our hair or used high temperature hair dryer. Human hair is form by folikels and pieces of hair. Folikels is the part that plant in our head skin. Start from the epidermic tissue to dermic. Folikels is a hole inside the skin that surrounded by a group of cell that called papillae.

The cell get its food through the blood that produced hair cell. Hair cell will become hard, die and then turn into new hair. Slowly new hair will be push out and leave the folikels through out the head skin just like a teeth that comes out from its tube. The hair will let go of itself without causing any pain. Each of human head generally have 120.000 folikels.

Hair Growth Fase

Hair growth is divided into 3 fase. Anagen (grow) that takes 2 – 4 years to grow, katagen (Start to fall) that takes two weeks to grow, telogen (Hair fall) that takes 3 months to grow.After the hair fall fase, the hair will grow back. This cycle normally happen for about 20 times.

After that the folikels can’t grow anymore hair. Not every pieces of hair is in the same fase at the same time. So to prevent early hair loss a treatment to prolong the growth fase is needed. The growth fase can be annoy by some factor, like : Hormonal changing, illness, or because we didn’t take care the cleanness of the head skin, etc.

Hair grow averagely 1,5cm each months for 2 – 4 years. The growth is various to each person, depending to the diameter and hair colour. Bright hair averagely grow 1cm each month, Dark hair usually grow faster, 1,5 cm each months. Coarse hair grow faster than smooth hair.

Grey hair grow faster than ungrey hair. After that some hair will stop growing for a moment and sometimes fall, and it will be replace by a new hair. The amount of grown up hair that didn’t have hair loss is 200 – 300 piece in every cm² of head skin.Everyday our hair fall about 50-100 pieces.

But it doesn’t noticed by us. But if the sign of hair loss happen. You must take care of your hair more intensive before it start to hair loss. Even though the hair is showing the sign of hair loss, actually you only lose 30-40% of your hair. This hair loss can be seen because the hair loss only happen on the front or on the top of your head.