Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hair Loss Woman Or Man (4)

If you want to wear wig or hair pieces to cover the baldyness, you need to take care of it well. Put your wig or hairpieces into the bowl that is already given water and shampoo wash it couple of times until all the dust and sweat is gone. Wash it with clean water. Dry it with towel softly, don’t rub, and don’t dry it under direct sunlight. If the hairpiece is made from syntetic don’t dry it with hairdryer so its not broken.

The best choise is to receive the baldyness sincerely. Except it, don’t make it like a misery cause many men still look sexy eventhough they are bald. You don’t have to brush or comb your hair so it doesn’t look bald.Its better to cut all of your hair so you look more fresh.

Nature man will still look nice evethough they are bald. Exp : Ande Agassi, Michael Jordan, Bruce Willis, Sean Connery. Even men that didn’t have baldyness shave their hair to bald like Mathew Mc Connaughey, Justin Timberlake, David Beckham.

Hair Loss Woman or Man (3)

He Ne therapy protect the health of the folikels by pouring gel to the headskin, and then shot it with red light. After 30 minutes of shot, the headskin is clean and the treatment is done. This therapy needs to be done rutinly, at least once a month, so the folikels health is always maintain. Tricho defence programme protect the headskin’s health by lifting dead skin cells and clean the folikel from bacteria. Folikels that is renewed is given important nutrients like kolagen, amino acid, and protein so it will be more healthly. This treatment must be adjust with your hair condition. Hair with a short life cycle was given anagen-10 that contain material which is healthy for hair roots and make it active to grow. Heavy hair loss patient is given a therapy by stimulating the dihydrotestoterone (DHT) so the hair is healthyer and stronger.

Beside that you can try Micro – Circulatory nNutrient Complex which give important nutrients like pantenol and biotin to the hair and head skin to peel, moisturized and increase micro circulation to the head skin. Reconstructive treatment make your hair feel thick. Corrective treatment gives anti keraltik and amino acid to the headskin to fresh and clean the head skin. Treatment which is absorb inside the hair roots get rid of the poison, clean the dandruff, soften and moisturized the headskin.

If your hair loss more than 1/3 your head skin, try to always cut your hair short and cut it every months. Thin hair or half bald hair is better to cut short. Don’t use hair dryer and hair paint which can make the hair loss gets worse. Beside androgen hormone, there is also baldyness that cause by pulling hair, food poisonized or heavy stress.

Wig and hair pieces is effective to cover baldyness. There is wig that specially made to fit your head structure with natural look hair. There is also wig that is already provide in the market and ready to use. Hair pieces is a bunch of hair that planted to somekind of soft page then sticked to the bald part. Good hair pieces is made from human hair not from syntetic. The hair pieces texture must be the same with the wearer so its looks real.

Hair Loss Woman (2)

One of BPH cause is the increase of s-alpha. reductase enzyme and DHT that passing
normal limit. The over amount of those two make men have lots of hairfall. Finasteride can stop the work of s-alpha reductase enzyme so that the amount of testoteron that change into DHT can be minimize so the hair loss can be stop.

Eventhough this medicine is effective to prevent hair loss but the risk is also high. This medicine can annoy the libido, and make slow men erection and decreasing sperm production. So men can have good crown but does not have sexual ability. This medicine can’t grow hair fast, it needs to be drink until six month so the hair can growback.

Doctors and pharmacy in some country is researching the effective medicine or theraphy to take care of baldyness, by gen theraphy and hair cloning, creating hair lotion cyoctol, making medicine that decrease the 5 – alpha – reductase, researching aromatase ( enzyme that decrease the DHT effect to hair roots ), making RU 58841 medicine, nitroxide, dutasterride, etc. All this efforts needs time to be use by consumen.

If you want to drink Propecia from Merck, you need to consult with the doctor first. Propecia contain a milligram finasteride and only can drink by men. This medicine decrease the DHT Production, the major cause of baldyness. Propecia will be more effective if its done with a special diet to less the hair loss.

Pharmacia company and Upjohn launch an antibald product with a brand Rogaine Extra Strength that contain 5% minoxidil. Rogaine enlarge the folikels that is shrinking so the folikels still can produce hair. But this folikels strengthen can make the headskin dry, itch, and crack.

Eventhough the problem can be prevent with antidandruff shampoo, you still need to be carefull in using rogaine, specially if you have sensitive head skin.Rogaine is effective if its done with a special diet to less the loss, and hair in the early level of losing. If the baldyness is very bad, no treatment can be done to bring to live the dead folikels.

Medicine, hairtonic, salon treatment, or therapy can slow down the baldyness process by decreasing DHT production, and prolong the hair growth fase, and also strengthen the hair roots. Baldyness is more often happen to men then women, because baldyness generally connected with the testoteron hormone.

Genetic factor is very important in the hormonal system and you can’t change it. But you can slow it down by maintaining body’s health by doing special diet to less the hair loss, take care of the headskin cleanness, using hairtonic every day, doing ozone treatment in salon, He Ne lazer therapy (Helium Neon) in the clinic, or by Tricho Defense programme in Svenson Hair Centres..

Hair Loss Woman (1)

Hair is often say as women’s crown. But hair is actually also men’s crown. Unfortunately many man in age 30 start to have hairloss, at the age 40 start to hair loss, and at age 50 is getting worse. There is some man that its hair start loss from the front, from the top of its head, from the hair crown, and then in every place until it looks bald.

Generally the hair loss process for men begin from the chin, to the top of the head, and continue to the back of the head and than spread to both side of the head and keep spreading until it totally bald. This process is clearly seen. The number of adults hair that didn’t have baldyness is about 200 – 300 piece every cm² of the head skin. Hair will loss 50 – 100 piece everyday and replace by a new one. In normal condition folikels only can grow new hair about 20 times. After that the folikels is dead, and no longer can grow hair.

A large number of hairloss woman sometimes can’t be prevent by hair tonic rutinely or by creambath. Crembath and hair tonic principally is to give hair roots fertility. But if the hair roots is gone or dead, hair tonic and creambath is usefull. Just like watering the grass that has no roots. The grass will stay dead. The problem is not from the bad headskin or hairtonic, but its from the testoteron hormone.

This hormone is actually help men to produce sperm. But because of its reaction to s – alpha reductase enzyme , this hormone is transform into dihydrotestoterone (DHT). DHT stimulation make the folikels shrink so the hair is easy to fall and baldyness happen ( andro genetic alopecia).

The higher level of DHT, process the hair loss more faster. Men that is born with low level DHT is rarely have hairfall. To prevent the fall, medicine that contain minoxidil is usually use, eventhough minoxidil is usually use for hipertense. But this medicine only help prevent hair loss to 40 % of its patient and can’t be consume by heart attack patient.

And then people start to turn to finastride medicine that is proof to prevent baldyness to 80% of en patient. Same as minoxidil, finesteride is found by accidently. Finesteride is actually use for growing gland prostate patient or more known as berign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH).

The Cause of Hair Loss

Hair can be broken by the change of hormone, to much stay under the sunlight, pollution,wind, klorin, the often use of hair dryer with high temperature,the often of hair painting without looking after it well, brushing to hard, consuming medicine thats use to heal certain diseases, eat to much food that has lots of fat, chemotherapy , and stress.

The way you brush or comb your hair is affecting your hair’s health. Brush the hair from your head skin to the top of your hair so that the oil from the folikels (hair roots) can cover all of hair pieces. This will make your hair shine.

If your hair is branching , try to always cut your hair short so your hair wil look more nice.
Hair styling product such as hair spray, gel, mousse, and others that contain chemical stuff can annoy the hair’s health, if its not really cleaned from the hair after the use. Choose hair styling product that is made from natural materials.

The Cause of Hair Loss

Hair can be broken by the change of hormone, to much stay under the sunlight, pollution,wind, klorin, the often use of hair dryer with high temperature,the often of hair painting without looking after it well, brushing to hard, consuming medicine thats use to heal certain diseases, eat to much food that has lots of fat, chemotherapy , and stress.

The way you brush or comb your hair is affecting your hair’s health. Brush the hair from your head skin to the top of your hair so that the oil from the folikels (hair roots) can cover all of hair pieces. This will make your hair shine.

If your hair is branching , try to always cut your hair short so your hair wil look more nice.
Hair styling product such as hair spray, gel, mousse, and others that contain chemical stuff can annoy the hair’s health, if its not really cleaned from the hair after the use. Choose hair styling product that is made from natural materials.

Handling Hair Problem

To have a good hair you need to take care of your body health and head skin. The speed of hair grow is depend on the health and age of a person.

Vitamins and minerals thats good for growing hair is vitamin B6, B12, Zinc, Copper, Selenium and Biotin. But the over use of it can be dangerous for health. So you need to consume vitamins and minerals in the right dose and avoid all the things that make your hair broken.

Vitamin Hair Loss || Conditioner


Conditioner makes hair wet , softer, shine easy to comb. But conditioner can’t replace kutikula cell, hair membrance that is broken. It only can protect it, straighten it , and give a thin film membrance with all the material in it and will be gone after shampooing how to pick good conditioner that sand your hair skin. If u have a dry head skin you need conditioner after shampoo. Conditioner provided in many kind : instant, protein, neutralizing, moisturizing.

Instant conditioner : this conditioner doesn’t easily absorb to the head skin. But it gives oil, wetness and protein to the hair.

Protein conditioner : this conditioner contain protein, wet and oil. It will absorb to the deepest hair tissue and fix broken keratin. This conditioner make hair more soft.

Neutralizing conditioner : this conditioner neutralized hair that contamine by product that contain alkalin. It can fix protein hair.

Moisturizing conditioner : this conditioner makes hair wet and covered all the kutikels. This conditioner generally made from natural oil from plant.
After shampoo dry your hair with clean towel. Don’t rub your hair too hard with towel. Wet hair becomes 20% longer than dry hair and become 30 % more weak. Straighten your hair with your finger or comb with a rare teeth, don’t use brush. Don’t you often use hair dryer let it dry naturally.


Creambath is for the relaxation and make the blood circle well so The hair roots gets good nutrition . Steamer in creambath process use to open the pores.
So the vitamin or cream is easily absorb inside the head skin.

Hair Tonic

Hair tonic help the hair grow that has living roots and slow down baldyness. The use of tonic everyday can be fell its advantage after 3 months. But if the hair roots is dead, it can’t help to bring it back to live. If skin head is bald untill its shine and sleak that means the hair roots is dead.

Comb or brush

Comb your hair to make the blood circle in the head skin is easy. But don’t brush it to hard. Observe the comb or brush after the use to know if you have hair fall or dandruff. Comb that is used must be clean. If its dirty, put it in the water thats already given shampoo than wash it untill its clean.

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Type of shampoo hair loss

There is some type of shampoo that produce by the market :

Moisturizing or conditioning shampoo
This is a soft shampoo and cream that contain humetant and hydrator that keep that hair wet.

Clarifying shampoo
This is the type of shampoo that is stronger to clean dirt, oil, pollution, or hair styling product.

Medicated shampoo
This is containing sulfur, tar, cresal, phenol or antiseptic medical.

Acid balanced shampoo
This is the type of shampoo that soft and make hair wet. It suit to normal hair that has paint. This shampoo clean the hair paint.

Organic shampoo
This shampoo contain natural material such algae chamomille and jojoba. This shampoo is PH balanced, so its not to strong or to soft.

Shampoo hair loss

So the hair can’t grow well. The market has provide shampoo for men, but actually its all the same. The most important thing , shampoo must be effective in cleaning the dirt, oil, sweat and dead skin cell without breaking the head skin or hair. Water that contain lots of mineral, make the shampoo bubbles a little so its good to clean headskin.What kind of shampoo can we choose is important to be adjust with the type of hair. Is it dry, oilly or normal.

Dry hair look dull and hard. So if its uncut rutinely, the top of hair will branch. This kind of hair need moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy. 2 in 1 shampoo that is already contain conditioner might be to heavy and make the hair sleek, use shampoo and conditioner separately. Dry hair need to shampoo twice a day.

Oilly hair will stick to the head skin and look unclean, use deep cleansing shampoo which can clean the oil and also soft enough to use everyday. You don’t need to use lots of shampoo each times you shower. The important thing is to give your head skin a message while shampooing to clean all of the oil that gathered there. Try not to use warm water to shower it, cause it can stimulate the oil to come out. You don’t need to use conditioner after shampoo if your head skin is oilly.

Normal hair has a good wet. Normal head skin only need shampoo, conditioner , creambath, and tonic to prevent hair fall. If your hair is normal but have a dry tendency. You need to shampoo everyday with a soft shampoo (mild shampoo) that didn’t make your hair lose its natural oil. Shampoo with high alkalin ( 7 – 10 PH ) make hair fell clean and dry. But if you use it to often it will make your hair branching. Use conditioner every shampooing let it be for couple of minutes and then wash it with water until its very clean. Conditioner is usefull to make your hair easy to comb ang giving it strength by keeping its flexibility and uneasy to branch.

Conditioner can make the hair wet and add protein to the hair but it didn’t enter the hair pieces. Conditioner is provided in liquid and cream, some is containing lanolin, plant oil, herbal, protein or organic stuff. In shampoo packages usually writen normal, normal to dry and normal to oily. Each shampoo is use to differents type of hair. Use it according to your type of head skin. Some shampoo formulated with multyvitamin such as vitamin E, B5, and PP (B3). All of it is to prevent the hair from falling and look dull.