Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shampoo hair loss

So the hair can’t grow well. The market has provide shampoo for men, but actually its all the same. The most important thing , shampoo must be effective in cleaning the dirt, oil, sweat and dead skin cell without breaking the head skin or hair. Water that contain lots of mineral, make the shampoo bubbles a little so its good to clean headskin.What kind of shampoo can we choose is important to be adjust with the type of hair. Is it dry, oilly or normal.

Dry hair look dull and hard. So if its uncut rutinely, the top of hair will branch. This kind of hair need moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to keep it healthy. 2 in 1 shampoo that is already contain conditioner might be to heavy and make the hair sleek, use shampoo and conditioner separately. Dry hair need to shampoo twice a day.

Oilly hair will stick to the head skin and look unclean, use deep cleansing shampoo which can clean the oil and also soft enough to use everyday. You don’t need to use lots of shampoo each times you shower. The important thing is to give your head skin a message while shampooing to clean all of the oil that gathered there. Try not to use warm water to shower it, cause it can stimulate the oil to come out. You don’t need to use conditioner after shampoo if your head skin is oilly.

Normal hair has a good wet. Normal head skin only need shampoo, conditioner , creambath, and tonic to prevent hair fall. If your hair is normal but have a dry tendency. You need to shampoo everyday with a soft shampoo (mild shampoo) that didn’t make your hair lose its natural oil. Shampoo with high alkalin ( 7 – 10 PH ) make hair fell clean and dry. But if you use it to often it will make your hair branching. Use conditioner every shampooing let it be for couple of minutes and then wash it with water until its very clean. Conditioner is usefull to make your hair easy to comb ang giving it strength by keeping its flexibility and uneasy to branch.

Conditioner can make the hair wet and add protein to the hair but it didn’t enter the hair pieces. Conditioner is provided in liquid and cream, some is containing lanolin, plant oil, herbal, protein or organic stuff. In shampoo packages usually writen normal, normal to dry and normal to oily. Each shampoo is use to differents type of hair. Use it according to your type of head skin. Some shampoo formulated with multyvitamin such as vitamin E, B5, and PP (B3). All of it is to prevent the hair from falling and look dull.