Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hair Loss Woman (1)

Hair is often say as women’s crown. But hair is actually also men’s crown. Unfortunately many man in age 30 start to have hairloss, at the age 40 start to hair loss, and at age 50 is getting worse. There is some man that its hair start loss from the front, from the top of its head, from the hair crown, and then in every place until it looks bald.

Generally the hair loss process for men begin from the chin, to the top of the head, and continue to the back of the head and than spread to both side of the head and keep spreading until it totally bald. This process is clearly seen. The number of adults hair that didn’t have baldyness is about 200 – 300 piece every cm² of the head skin. Hair will loss 50 – 100 piece everyday and replace by a new one. In normal condition folikels only can grow new hair about 20 times. After that the folikels is dead, and no longer can grow hair.

A large number of hairloss woman sometimes can’t be prevent by hair tonic rutinely or by creambath. Crembath and hair tonic principally is to give hair roots fertility. But if the hair roots is gone or dead, hair tonic and creambath is usefull. Just like watering the grass that has no roots. The grass will stay dead. The problem is not from the bad headskin or hairtonic, but its from the testoteron hormone.

This hormone is actually help men to produce sperm. But because of its reaction to s – alpha reductase enzyme , this hormone is transform into dihydrotestoterone (DHT). DHT stimulation make the folikels shrink so the hair is easy to fall and baldyness happen ( andro genetic alopecia).

The higher level of DHT, process the hair loss more faster. Men that is born with low level DHT is rarely have hairfall. To prevent the fall, medicine that contain minoxidil is usually use, eventhough minoxidil is usually use for hipertense. But this medicine only help prevent hair loss to 40 % of its patient and can’t be consume by heart attack patient.

And then people start to turn to finastride medicine that is proof to prevent baldyness to 80% of en patient. Same as minoxidil, finesteride is found by accidently. Finesteride is actually use for growing gland prostate patient or more known as berign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH).