Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hair Loss Woman or Man (3)

He Ne therapy protect the health of the folikels by pouring gel to the headskin, and then shot it with red light. After 30 minutes of shot, the headskin is clean and the treatment is done. This therapy needs to be done rutinly, at least once a month, so the folikels health is always maintain. Tricho defence programme protect the headskin’s health by lifting dead skin cells and clean the folikel from bacteria. Folikels that is renewed is given important nutrients like kolagen, amino acid, and protein so it will be more healthly. This treatment must be adjust with your hair condition. Hair with a short life cycle was given anagen-10 that contain material which is healthy for hair roots and make it active to grow. Heavy hair loss patient is given a therapy by stimulating the dihydrotestoterone (DHT) so the hair is healthyer and stronger.

Beside that you can try Micro – Circulatory nNutrient Complex which give important nutrients like pantenol and biotin to the hair and head skin to peel, moisturized and increase micro circulation to the head skin. Reconstructive treatment make your hair feel thick. Corrective treatment gives anti keraltik and amino acid to the headskin to fresh and clean the head skin. Treatment which is absorb inside the hair roots get rid of the poison, clean the dandruff, soften and moisturized the headskin.

If your hair loss more than 1/3 your head skin, try to always cut your hair short and cut it every months. Thin hair or half bald hair is better to cut short. Don’t use hair dryer and hair paint which can make the hair loss gets worse. Beside androgen hormone, there is also baldyness that cause by pulling hair, food poisonized or heavy stress.

Wig and hair pieces is effective to cover baldyness. There is wig that specially made to fit your head structure with natural look hair. There is also wig that is already provide in the market and ready to use. Hair pieces is a bunch of hair that planted to somekind of soft page then sticked to the bald part. Good hair pieces is made from human hair not from syntetic. The hair pieces texture must be the same with the wearer so its looks real.